Department : Civil Engineering : Laboratories
Impart practical experience to students by exposing them to various techniques of field surveying. The course is designed to make student familiar with conventional and advanced surveying instruments.

- Dumpy level
- Theodolite
- Total Station
- Chain
- Pegs
- Arrows
- Levelling staff
- Ranging rods
AutoCAD lab provides the following facilities – Exposure to different categories of building, Functional requirements of buildings, Preparation of 2D drawing, Preparation of 3D drawings, and Application of CAD to Civil Engineering Drawing. The course aims to train the students to use different software tools needed for professional practice in civil engineering.

- 20 Systems : 4GB RAM
- 11 Systems : 16 GB RAM
- AutoCAD
- Primervera
- Staad Pro
The objective of the lab is to make the students understand fundamental concepts of mechanics of deformable bodies through systematic experimental techniques. The lab also aims at the estimation of various mechanical properties of engineering materials.

- Universal testing machine 400 kN
- Universal testing machine 200 kN
- Torsion testing machine
- Izod impact testing machine
- Charpy impact testing machine
- Torsion pendulum
- Rockwell hardness tester
- Brinell hardness tester
- Open & close coiled spring testing machine
- Apparatus for verification of Clerk Maxwell reciprocal theorem
- Flywheel - moment of inertia of rotating bodies
It is a lab used for the testing of materials related to concrete or mortar. All the properties of cement, fine aggregate, coarse aggregate, brick, tiles, fresh concrete and hardened concrete can be tested as per IS Specifications.

IS 4031, IS 4082, IS 4845, IS 269, IS 8112, IS 12269, IS 456, IS 14858 (2000), IS 2386 (Part 1 to 8), IS 383, IS 7320, IS 1199, IS 13311 (Part 1 & 2), IS 516, IS 5816, IS 6461 (Part 1 to 12), IS 9031, IS 10262, IS 1199, IS 1237, IS 3951 (Part 1), IS 13630 (Part 1 to 5)
- Compression testing machine (3000kN)
- Compression testing machine (2000kN)
- Flexure strength testing machine (100kN)
- Vee bee consistometer
- Tile flexure testing machine
- Sieve shaker
- Hot air oven
- Vibrating machine/table (50x50cm)
- Concrete test hammer
- Vicat’s apparatus
- Slump test apparatus
- Compaction factor test apparatus
- Air permeability apparatus(blaine’s type)
- Le-chatelier mould
- Longitudinal compressometer
- Concrete penetrometer spring
The object of this course is to familiarize students with the laboratory tests to determine physical, index and engineering properties of geomaterials as per IS specification.

- Specific gravity determination - pycnometer
- Casagrenda apparatus - atterberg limits
- Sieve shaker - particle size distribution
- Hydrometer analysis - particle size distribution
- Direct shear testing machine
- Unconfined compression testing machine
- Consolidometer
- Triaxial compression testing machine
- Core cutter
- Sand pouring cylinder
- Slump test apparatus
- California bearing ratio testing machine
- Vane shear testing machine
- Shrinkage limit testing device
- Proctor compaction testing machine (standard)
- Proctor compaction testing machine (modified)
The objective of this course is to enable students to assess the quality of various pavement materials and their suitability in highway construction. The course is designed to make student familiar with mix design and do functional evaluation of pavements.

- California bearing ratio testing apparatus
- Specific gravity - wire mesh
- Is sieves
- Aggregate impact testing apparatus
- Los angeles abrasion testing machine
- Compression testing machine
- Angularity number - metal cylinder & tamping rod
- Shape test - length gauge, thickness gauge
- Standard tar viscometer
- Ring and ball apparatus - digital
- Ductility testing apparatus, briquette mould
- Pensky martens closed tester
- Merlin apparatus
This lab provides the knowledge on tests used to analyse the physio-chemical and bacteriological properties of water and explains the various method followed in the test along with its suitability as a drinking water.

- pH meter
- Turbidity meter
- Jar testing apparatus
- Solutions for:
- Hardness determination
- Chloride determination
- Acidity & Alkalinity determination
- Dissolved oxygen content determination
- Residual Chlorine content determination
- 3 - 100ml Crucible or Porcelain evaporating dish for the determination of total solids
- Whatman filter paper
- Beakers
- Weighing balance
- Standard digital oven of 50 - 210 litres capacities
- Muffle furnace & Dessicator